dress flowers gloves hima_(ab_gata) meiko ribbons vocaloid

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... For a moment, it thought this was Misaka Mikoto until I looked at the tags ... The outfit Meiko is wearing here reminded me of the outfit Misaka wore in ep 19 of Railgun.
not the outfit, stupid, the hair! BAKA
I'd watch how I phrase my comments if I were you. You don't exactly have a glowing track record with comments.
You don't really have anything else to do but threaten people for writing non offensive comments huh ? ~~
StahnAileron said:
I'd watch how I phrase my comments if I were you. You don't exactly have a glowing track record with comments.
Netami said:
You don't really have anything else to do but threaten people for writing non offensive comments huh ? ~~
Please don't post off topic comments, use the message system. Seriously wongedan, you don't have to call people stupid, if the site was full of these comments it would eventually become as infamous and crude as /b/.

I wonder if the artist was lazy making the hair decorations plain white. In my opinion it would have looked better with reflective black decorations, would have matched her neck-ribbon and contrasted to the overall image.
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