This post has a child post. (post #180567)
black_hair bow brown_eyes brown_hair instrument kneehighs kuroya_shinobu long_hair misaki_kurehito morikawa_yuki ogata_rina ogiso_setsuna piano scan school_uniform skirt touma_kazusa twintails white_album white_album_2

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very cinematic painting... i could definitely see this being a shot from a trailer, you know a slow panning camera or soemthing
And as the camera pans, a voice reads:

It all started in such a day in late autumn.
At that time, someone fell in love.

Everyone was doing their best. Everyone pushed on. Everyone was intent and honest…
We formed a bond and obtained a precious moment.
That’s why someone fell in love. A love that was too late, a love that shouldn’t have occurred.

And then comes winter. The falling snow covers all sins.
And spring eventually comes, melting the snow and imposing all punishments.

(from the description on vndb)
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