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I have a question .images in this site
free use for use without credit?
free use for use without credit?
*shrugs* go ahead and use it, I mean, everyone gets their anime pictures here.akam.chan said:
I have a question .images in this site
free use for use without credit?
You should probably attempt to credit the artist, give the original source ;)
oh there is no source. well yeah just link back to here then riiight? right.
oh there is no source. well yeah just link back to here then riiight? right.
without creditmattiasc02 said:
*shrugs* go ahead and use it, I mean, everyone gets their anime pictures here.
Use for what?
This image is from a game. If you want to use it for non-commercial purposes, it probably wouldn't be an issue. If you want to use it on any commercial site, you would have to get permission from the company that made the game.
This image is from a game. If you want to use it for non-commercial purposes, it probably wouldn't be an issue. If you want to use it on any commercial site, you would have to get permission from the company that made the game.
----Zolxys said:
Use for what?
This image is from a game. If you want to use it for non-commercial purposes, it probably wouldn't be an issue. If you want to use it on any commercial site, you would have to get permission from the company that made the game.
i want to share this image in other site
should i credit
That shouldn't be a problem then, since you're not making money from it.akam.chan said:
i want to share this image in other site
You should give basic info about the image though, just as a courtesy. Like which game it is and the company that made it.
why?otaku_emmy said:
That shouldn't be a problem then, since you're not making money from it.
You should give basic info about the image though, just as a courtesy. Like which game it is and the company that made it.
.......So people don't have to ask what it's from.akam.chan said:
i mean ,why should i give basic info about the image,otaku_emmy said:
.......So people don't have to ask what it's from.
that's important.
I just said. It's so curious people can learn basic info about the image.
yeah thanks. I share this image . but without basic infootaku_emmy said:
I just said. It's so curious people can learn basic info about the image.