Go to sleep


barefoot bed headband komeiji_satori loli niiya pink_eyes pink_hair short_hair touhou

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I see that my "loli" tag was removed. Please note that I only tagged it as such because it was in the artist's description of the piece.

"Ne nasai shōgo rori". As I have pointed out, "rori" is how "loli" is translated.
Only questionable and explicit posts need the loli tag. This one is safe, so the tag is removed.
Wiresetc said:
Only questionable and explicit posts need the loli tag. This one is safe, so the tag is removed.
In all my years of being here, I have never heard that rule.

Thanks for filling me in.
otaku_emmy said:
In all my years of being here, I have never heard that rule.

Thanks for filling me in.
It's a pretty stupid rule, to be frank. And what's the point of even tagging things loli that are explicit; they just get censored. Might as well delete the posts all together.
^You don't need to tag explicit loli posts, because they will be deleted. So yes, the tag is technically only for questionable posts.
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