anthropomorphism fred04142 green_eyes long_hair nurse rice_simon sergestid_shrimp_in_tungkang third-party_edit white_hair

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Welp, you've found my weakness. White hair and green eyes. Does anybody have a clue who the artist is?
Dummy said:
Welp, you've found my weakness. White hair and green eyes. Does anybody have a clue who the artist is?
Looks like it's him/fred04142.

There's an imgur source link on the official facebook page.
The way the eyes, blush, hair, everything, it HAS to be fred04142 *tags added*
Wait, do I understand correctly that they are all anthropomorphisms of rice?
Dummy said:
Wait, do I understand correctly that they are all anthropomorphisms of rice?
I think they're all Rice Simon. different outfits.
otaku_emmy said:
I think they're all Rice Simon. different outfits.
Are they? On this page they look like different characters.
Dummy said:
Are they? On this page they look like different characters.
Same specs, same header, pretty sure they're just the same too.
Maybe someone good enough in japanese could enlighten us.
Shizko said:
Maybe someone good enough in japanese could enlighten us.
That's Chinese, not Japanese...
Dummy said:
Are they? On this page they look like different characters.
I can't really read it, but the last five characters have the in them (白米) as "plain" Rice Simon. So maybe they're special versions of her?
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