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- ? fate/grand order 7088
- ? jeanne d'arc (fate) 904
- ? same (sendai623) 2
- ? fate (series) 9995
- ? armor 4679
- ? blonde hair 48463
- ? blue eyes 42730
- ? blush 78478
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- ? sword 11533
- ? weapon 23250
- ? white 18247 blond blonde blond hair ruler (fate/apocrypha) blueeyes longhair
- Id: 319898
- Posted: about 4 years ago by BattlequeenYume
- Size: 4092x2507
- Source: /
- Rating: Safe
- Score: 56
- Favorited by: Shark20, InfernoHan, narsth, G123456, Danielburg, WhiteRequiem, tacitus, darknessben, CoyoteMister, IDtoxic, MInanzi, iceyrayeelaina, wilson_lim, Almighty, smileypb, ghostrider666, otaku_emmy (11 more)


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