This post has a child post. (post #81354)
darker_than_black night pai scenic signed sky stars tree water

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I really like this wallpaper. I wish I could find more like it or at least find out what series it came from.
inhayn said:
Dark than black
Sorry, the correct is "Darker than Black"
OMFG sorry if this is like a necro, but.....this is one of the best wallpapers out! O_O

If only there was one with Yin in it as well.
Oh man I always enjoyed watching Darker Than Black and this picture is great.
GTS said:
Oh man I always enjoyed watching Darker Than Black and this picture is great.
I know right? I wish there were more wallpapers for this anime. :(
Misplaced said:
I know right? I wish there were more wallpapers for this anime. :(
I hope so too.....=.=
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