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- ? arknights 2910
- ? reed (arknights) 10
- ? krao 16
- ? blonde hair 48437
- ? blue eyes 42706
- ? building 10416
- ? dress 36729
- ? gloves 29489
- ? horns 11074
- ? long hair 137649
- ? magic 2439
- ? ponytail 19752
- ? spear 1055
- ? tail 22662
- ? weapon 23242
- ? wristwear 10305 blond blonde blond hair magic circle lance blueeyes longhair
- Id: 368813
- Posted: about 1 year ago by BattlequeenYume
- Size: 7249x4078
- Source: /
- Rating: Safe
- Score: 12
- Favorited by: lurww, tacitus, a1751874251


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