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- ? arknights 2910
- ? gladiia (arknights) 6
- ? skadi (arknights) 196
- ? specter (arknights) 46
- ? felicia chen 4
- ? logo 3852
- ? boots 9274
- ? cape 4661
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- ? ponytail 19752
- ? red eyes 38715
- ? ribbons 17412
- ? shirt 6724
- ? shorts 8696
- ? spear 1055
- ? sword 11530
- ? thighhighs 51357
- ? weapon 23242 ribbon grey hair silver hair thigh highs elf pointy ears lance longhair
- Id: 379398
- Posted: 7 months ago by BattlequeenYume
- Size: 1920x1080
- Source: /
- Rating: Safe
- Score: 14
- Favorited by: Elfrieda, wilson_lim, tacitus, otaku_emmy


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