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- ? original 67365
- ? kompeitou (lemon garden) 4
- ? signed 16225
- ? animal 18996
- ? aqua eyes 21078
- ? blonde hair 48458
- ? blush 78454
- ? bow 25547
- ? dress 36754
- ? flowers 23576
- ? garter 6847
- ? long hair 137722
- ? necklace 6588
- ? petals 9920
- ? ribbons 17418
- ? sleeping 2500
- ? summer dress 2072 ribbon blond blonde flower blond hair longhair signature
- Id: 384593
- Posted: about 2 months ago by BattlequeenYume
- Size: 1920x1080
- Source: /
- Rating: Safe
- Score: 14
- Favorited by: darknessben, tacitus, dsff, otaku_emmy


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