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- ? granblue fantasy 1378
- ? mcdonald's 30
- ? europa (granblue fantasy) 28
- ? godsworn alexiel 1
- ? grimnir (granblue fantasy) 1
- ? shiva (granblue fantasy) 1
- ? minaba hideo 3
- ? watermark 13591
- ? bicolored eyes 4206
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- ? skirt 32902 ribbon bicoloured eyes dichromatic eyes heterochromia blond blonde blond hair elf pointy ears melon pan dango blueeyes braid longhair
- Id: 384815
- Posted: about 1 month ago by otaku_emmy
- Size: 1920x1080
- Source: /
- Rating: Safe
- Score: 7
- Favorited by: onisonfire, otaku_emmy


They put a McDonald's even in Rivendell :P
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