azumanga_daioh black_hair flowers glasses kimura short_hair tie

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(o_o) am I supposed to respond to this?
Mr. Kimura :D i just love this guy he is the human form of pedo bear xD and he is damn funny
REVELATION~! Cuda is Mr. Kimura~
This guy is too weird. Noone sees the awkward way he acts around the girls. Hes married to a gorgeous sweet woman but hes ready to pounce on every loli that walks by. I'd be scared to death to send my daughter to his school.
*Takes flower*
Aw, for me thanks. :3
Fitalony said:
This guy is too weird. Noone sees the awkward way he acts around the girls. Hes married to a gorgeous sweet woman but hes ready to pounce on every loli that walks by. I'd be scared to death to send my daughter to his school.
Aw come on, he looks like a nice enough guy. I wonder if he'd like to babysit my children some time.
I would love to baby sit your children.
YoshikazuSensei said:
where is his nose? -.-'
He's an Iron Man (new version).
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