animal_ears blue_hair chibi cirno fairy fang gradient ookami_to_koushinryou parody reku short_hair tail touhou wings wolfgirl

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StahnAileron said:
See Parody tag ^_~
yeah i have seen that but i quite don´t get it
I think it's the fact Cirno is draw like how Horo is draw in her half-wolf mode. May also have something to do with the plant she's holding. You'd have to ask someone who's watched S&W to be sure though. (I persoanlly haven't watched it. Just know of it.)
Spice & Wolf is the tag Danbooru gave it over 2 years ago.

Try reading it like Spice & Wolf
I see it, Cirno is drawn like Horo is in her human form, she is even wearing the same necklace/pouch (most likely with grain even) as Horo does. And I think that is grain she is holding. Not sure, do not know my plants that well.
forgerofsouls said:
I see it, Cirno is drawn like Horo is in her human form, she is even wearing the same necklace/pouch (most likely with grain even) as Horo does. And I think that is grain she is holding. Not sure, do not know my plants that well.
i see it its horo but blue along with the wheat and her necklace (leather pouch with threshed wheat in it that in this pic is blue) strange parody for the characters
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