Help: Wiki
Wiki pages are primarily used to provide descriptions and define our use of tags. You can click on the ? link to the left of a tag to view that tag's wiki page.
DText is used for all formatting on wiki pages.
When you perform a search for a wiki, both the title and the body will be searched. If you want to only search in the title, prefix your query with title:
and replace all spaces with underscores. (eg. title:image_quality
Style Guidelines
Below you'll find wiki boilerplates for the various tag types. We recommend sticking to the boilerplate as much as possible.
General Tag Boilerplate
h4. Description
Description of the tag and any specific interpretation/restriction on Konachan not obvious from the tag name itself.
h5. Use
* Use cases
* Don't use cases
h6. Implied Tags:
* list any tags implicated by this tag
* list and tags this tag implicates, otherwise
* none
h6. Aliased Tags:
* list any tags aliased to this tag, otherwise
* none
[b]Also see:[/b] [i]List of related tags[/i]
[b]Wikipedia link:[/b] (if applicable)
Character Tag Boilerplate
h4. Character Name (The name in Romanji as used on Konachan followed by the (Japanese name) in parenthesis.)
* List any widely used alternate names or aliases for the character if applicable.
* List the copyright(s) the character appears in between double curly brackets to link to the copyright (use underscores in place of spaces)
* Provide a Brief synopsis of the of the character's physical characteristics and role. Please do not give away any spoilers out of courtesy for the reader.
(At the bottom of the wiki page provide any appropriate links used to develop the description:)
* [b]vndb link:[/b]
* [b]Wikipedia:[/b]
Copyright Tag Boilerplate
h4. Title (The Romanji name as used on Konachan followed by the (Japanese name) in parenthesis.)
* List any widely used alternate names for the copyright if applicable.
* A visual novel by: (Or game/anime/manga/light novel/etc.)
** Author
** Illustrator(s)
** Publisher(s)
[b]Description[/b] (taken from the vndb): (List the source if applicable in parenthesis)
* List the characters:
** {{character_1}} (Type the character names between double sets of curly brackets to create a links to the characters)
** {{character_2}} (Use underscores for spaces in the character names or the link will not work.)
** {{character_n}} (List only characters for which Konachan already has character tags.)
* Provide a Brief synopsis of the plot to provide some context to the images, but do not out of courtesy to the readers reveal any spoilers.
* List related copyrights.
* List any related sequels, prequels, or spin-offs.
(At the bottom of the wiki page provide any appropriate links:)
* [b]vndb link:[/b] (Link to the source of the description. If not vndb, change the title to match the source.)
* [b]publishers website:[/b] http:// (Make sure to use http:// in front of the website address to make it a link.)